MP3 playlist

Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

Berjalan dibalik tanda alam

Terkadang pagi menyimpan misteri yang sulit untuk dibagi. dan hanya diri sendiri memutar otak cukup keras untuk mengungkap tanda dan realita. mentari pagi terkadang terlalu silau untuk sekedar kau tatap dengan mata telanjang. tapi kau bisa merasakan sinarnya tanpa perlu menatapnya. ya terkadang kau lihat hidup itu mempunyai kesederhanaan untuk dilalui. reaksi tubuh yang terlalu sulit untuk mencernanya. kau tak perlu selalu mencari bukti atas apa yang terjadi, terkadang kau hanya perlu untuk melewatinya saja. berusaha untuk selalu sadar dan merasakan setiap langkah di jalan yang kau lalui, tanpa perlu khawatir pada akhir. karna semua terjadi pada satu alasan. bertanyalah dalam hati atas hari yang sedang kau lalui, dan jawaban akan lahir dengan tanda. biarkan alam dan waktu yang mengungkapkan tanda itu, dan alasan dibaliknya. jalani bukan berarti mengambang atau mengalir. tapi melangkah dengan pasti. ketakutan dan keraguan itu adalah pilihan. begitu juga dengan kebahagiaan. jika kau memilih untuk menari ketika hujan, kau akan tertawa ketika yang lain sembunyi dibalik jendela atau takut untuk sekedar menatap awan.

Selasa, 02 Desember 2014

The voice of daughter (inspired by His Daughter - Molly Kate Kestner)

She is a cheerful, smart, naive little girl
She has a great family where she always be the center of attention.
She is 8 when suddenly everything's changed
Suddenly, Noontime goes into midnight
From the home sweet home turns into the darkest rooms
From sweet dreams into a nightmare
She doesn't even fall asleep when she hears everyone screaming
an ego of romantic couple turns into an enemies
shouting to each other like never ever taste "love"
she hide behind that shelf
whisper to her brother that everything's gonna be alright.

10 years after it they went and came
and daddy was gone
Then, She looked for love in other men
and tried to act strong
like she doesnt care about love
but she does, deep inside, untold.
broken heart and scars caused by men
the first man she loves when she open her eyes in this world
has gone just for an ego reason
so she looked deep from that scars to find
is there something out there called 'love'?
is that 'love' could make another scars or heal?
cause she just wanted to feel something
tears streamed down her eyes
she is cried
                   " if there's a God out there, please hear my prayer,
                    I'm lost and I'm scared and I've got no where else to go
                    I've come a long long way but, I'm not sure I can make it much farther.
                    So if you're listening, could you give a helping hand, to your daughter.... "

It was night and cold
While everyone eat soup and laugh
yet She still outside
carried her spirit to find a better life
just a better not best
lay her dreams tries to accept what reality is
whisper in her tears
                   " if there's a God out there, please hear my prayer,
                    I'm lost and I'm scared and I've got no where else to go
                    I've come a long long way but, I'm not sure I can make it much farther.
                    So if you're listening, could you give a helping hand, to your daughter.... "

Rabu, 12 November 2014

lay in your brain

just want to know like what are we doing here and what is our purpose. is there something between growing and getting old. there's no happy home just you and your own. you and your thoughts and lots of people try to make you down. stand up and get up. move on and move up. we will never know what will happened tomorrow. but you know you have God, he will never leave us alone.... questions made are not to be answered. just to lay in your brain...

prolog " Lou Annalise "

Lou Annalise Becker, kau panggil saja Lou. seorang wanita yang tegar, tersenyum apabila dibutuhkan, jauh didalam hatinya dia adalah seorang yang sangat baik hati. bahkan koin - koin kecil selalu ia simpan untuk diberikan kepada semua orang yang ia kira membutuhkannya disepanjang jalan. tak perlu menjadi sarjana untuk pintar. tak perlu menjadi tua untuk bijaksana. ia masih berusia 19 tahun, namun pikiran dan tingkah lakunya jauh melebihi umurnya. kau tanyakan saja tentang arti kehidupan, maka ia pun akan memulai berfilosofi. bukan omong kosng, apa yang ia katakan tentang dunia dan hehidupan ini memang benar adanya. ia cukup berpengalaman dengan semua lika - liku kehidupan ini. bukan hanya teori yang biasa kau terima di bangku pendidikan, ia sudah melampaui itu. praktek kehidupan dan semua keputusan-keputusan yang harus ia buat demi kehidupan yang lebih baik. bahkan apabila langit menggelayut hitam dan mulai mengeluarkan butiran airnya, Lou mulai berfilosofis dengan gayanya yang untuk sebagian orang seusianya dianggap terlalu kuno dan tua. Lou tidak pernah membenci orang yang mengatakan ia tua, lebih tua dari usianya karna ia merasa memang benar ia lebih tua melebihi umurnya sendiri. bukan hal negatif yang membuatnya seperti itu, justru itu semua karna Tuhan sudah sangat berbaik hati memberikannya banyak pelajaran dan tantangan kehidupan melebihi anak seusianya. dan Lou bisa menghadapi itu semua dengan sangat baik. Lou selalu bersyukur bahwa ia tidak tinggal dan stuck di usianya seperti anak remaja pada umumnya. Lou memakai kacamata hitam bulat tebal. dia sangat menyukai gaya vintage dan bohemian. dia kurus, berambut hitam panjang lurus tergerai di bahunya. dia selalu memakai gelang dengan simbol perdamaian di lengan kirinya dan jam kecil bulat coklat ala vintage. dia hanya perlu sedikit ulasan lip balm di bibirnya hanya untuk mencegah bibirnya kering. hanya itu yang ia pakai dan ia menyebut dirinya sudah full make up. scooter matic berwarna beige yang setia menemaninya kemanapun ia pergi dan juga mp3 player hitam yang selalu ia bawa. sepertinya mp3 player dan earphone itu sudah menancap di telinganya abadi karna hampir tak pernah ia melepasnya. bukan untuk menghindar dari riuh dunia ini tapi hanya membantunya untuk berpikir cepat. dia akan melepaskan earphone dan mematikan musik di mp3 playernya ketika ia berhadapan dengan orang tuanya dan ketika ia berada di hutan atau padang rumput dimana ia bisa merasakan suara alam yang indah dan menenangkan. 

Selasa, 16 September 2014

Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014


Caffeine Use Disorder adalah istilah untuk orang yang tidak bisa lepas dari kafein termasuk tidak mampu untuk mengurangi konsumsinya.
Menurut penelitian, seseorang yang terkena miopia (rabun jauh) memiliki IQ yang lebih tinggi.
Orang yang berbohong cenderung melihat ke atas dan ke arah kiri mereka.
Angsa hanya memiliki satu pasangan seumur hidupnya. Jika pasangannya meninggal maka Angsa juga bisa meninggal karena patah hati.
Tahukah Anda kalau orang Rusia paling jarang tersenyum, makanya, di Moskow ada sekolah yang khusus mengajarkan tentang 'senyum'.
Zat Nikotin memanipulasi otak perokok untuk mencari argumen bahwa ada sisi positif merokok, karena itu perokok selalu memiliki alasan.
Studi menunjukkan bahwa orang yang memakai kacamata mendapatkan pekerjaan lebih mudah. [DailyMail]
Menurut survei situs voting TheTopTens .com 2013, Klub Persib Bandung lebih populer ketimbang Barcelona, Manchester United, dan Real Madrid.

Amy Winehouse ft Paul Weller - Don't go to strangers

Build your dreams
To the stars above
But when you need someone true to love
Don't go to strangers
My darling come to me
Play with fire
Get your fingers burned
But when theres no place left to turn
Don't go to strangers
My darling come to me
You give the call to follow your heart
You'll follow your heart, I know
Ive been around
I'm an old hand
I'll understand if you have to go
So make your mark
For your friends to see
But when you need more than company
Don't go to strangers
My darling come to me

NEW- Don't go to Strangers (cd version) - Amy Winehouse ft. Paul Weller

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014

Adele - Hiding My Heart

This is how the story went
I met someone by accident
Who blew me away
Blew me away
And It was in the darkest of my days
When you took my sorrow and you took my pain
And buried them away, buried them away

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

Dropped you off at the train station
Put a kiss on top of your head
Watched you wave
And watched you wave
Then I went on home to my skyscrapers
And neon lights and waiting papers
That I call home
I call that home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away
Away, yeah

Woke up feeling heavy hearted
I'm going back to where I started
The morning rain
The morning rain
And though I wish that you were here
On that same old road that brought me here
It's calling me home
It's calling me home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

I can spend my whole life hiding my heart away

Adele - Turning Tables Lyrics

Close enough to start a war
All that I have is on the floor
God only knows what we're fighting for
All that I say, you always say more
I can't keep up with your turning tables
Under your thumb, I can't breathe
So I won't let you close enough to hurt me
No, I won't ask you, you to just desert me
I can't give you what you think you gave me
It's time to say goodbye to turning tables, to turning tables
Under haunted skies I see
Where love is lost, your ghost is found
I've braved a hundred storms to leave you
As hard as you try, no, I will never be knocked down
I can't keep up with your turning tables
Under your thumb, I can't breathe
So I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no
I won't ask you, you to just desert me
I can't give you what you think you gave me
It's time to say goodbye to turning tables, turning tables
Next time I'll be braver, I'll be my own savior
When the thumb that cost me
Next time I'll be braver, I'll be my own savior
Standing on my own two feet
I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no
I won't ask you, you to just desert me
I can't give you what you think you gave me
It's time to say goodbye to turning tables, to turning tables
Turning tables, yeah, turning

Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2014


Bodoh sekali.. aku merasa sangat bodoh dengan apa yang sudah aku lakukan pada diriku
aku telah mengecewakannya
mengecewakan diriku sendiri
sesuatu yang sangat aku jaga, dan kini aku menyakitinya
aku bahkan mencabik-cabik diriku sendiri
bodoh sekali
ketika aku lebih mementingkan perasaanku dibandingkan dengan logika aku sendiri
kebodohan yang sudah terjadi dua kali didalam hidupku
ya aku tahu, ini bukan lagi sebuah hilaf atau hal lainnya tapi merupakan pilihanku sendiri
pilihan untuk mengecewakan dan menyiksa batinku sendiri
untuk kesekian kalinya
Tuhan, ntahlah....
saat ini aku sangat malu dengan diriku sendiri
bahkan untuk menatapnya didepan cermin pun aku tak kuasa
mengapa engaku memberikan fase ini didalam hidupku
fase dimana aku sangat rapuh dan lemah
aku mengalah pada perasaan
bukan logika dan akal sehatku yang berbicara
hingga otakku marah kepada hatiku
hatiku yang terlalu lembut dan rapuh
bahkan untuk mengatakan Tidak pada cinta yang datang
cinta yang tidak bisa bertanggung jawab
aku merasa tolol ketika aku menerima cinta yang ntah darimana datangnya
hingga ia dengan lancangnya merobek hati ini
mencabik perasaaan ini
sungguh aku merasa aku telah kehilangan jati diriku sendiri

Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014

Let God work in our life, and let Love find its way to come.. (LDR story)

I wanna tell God, What happened to my love life?
it seems I got something hard and pushing me down
I can be strong facing all of these shits, but not about love
Love always made me feel weak and stupid
when I'm in love I feel like a stupid person in this world
I can think about someone that I love all day long
and I can be so up and so down
like a basketball
what I'm facing right now, is this tough situation
I got an difficult relationship
so complicated
its not about he and I
but its about whats going on between us two
we got a long distance in relationship
and its really hard for us, or everyone who ever been in this situation
we can handle it, if only about missing and our feeling about each other
but how about the problem that always unexpected turned up between us two
about family problem, connection problem (handphone etc), work problem
that forced us to away for a while
how we can deal with that, how we can handle our feeling our negative thinking about each other when we face that situation and its always come suddenly and we dont have any preparation for it...
Long distance was so hard
its like a nightmare for every couple
plus there's a lot of kind situation like that happend in our relationship
you know what,
if you are mad at your girlfriend or boyfriend you can hold each other and talk eye to eye
so everything could be back on its feet
but how about an LDR couple
they just see each other in a video or talk on phone
and when its come to an arguing time
you just can cry in your room without his/her shoulder or hand hold you while you are crying
your mate just can see you crying in a video or hear you on phone without hold your hand
how can you deal with such situation for long time?
you know what,
the answer only
How strong your love is?
How patience you are?
How hard is your trust to him/her?
thats the only answer and all you can do is ask to yourself about it......

Let God work in our life, and Let love find its way to come.... :) -LDR couple-

Senin, 30 Juni 2014

Tersapu oleh waktu

Saya bicara pada diri saya sendiri. ketika saya melihat pohon itu mulai menguning dan jatuh berguguran, rapuh dan belum saatnya mereka menguning, jatuh lalu menjadi debu. ada apa dengan waktu? ada apa dengan realita? mengapa semua berakhir ketika baru memulai?
lalu, aku melihat wajahku pada cermin yang tergantung. ada apa dengan kepercayaan? ada apa dengan ragu? apakah rasa telah lama diam hingga menguap menjadi ragu? kemana arah perjalanan sepasang anak manusia yang dahulu berikrar kini saling terdiam membisu, baku hingga menjadi kaku. lalu apa artinya "kita" jika bersama saja tidak bisa. ada apa dengan jarak? akankah itu memutuskan harapan?
Aku terdiam hanya bisa diam hingga lonceng itu pun berbunyi dan aku masih membisu, ragu dan mengadu pada rindu. akankah angin membisikan kepadamu wahai insan yang jauh itu bahwa kita pada akhirnya terlalu jenuh hingga hanya berarti abu dan tersapu oleh waktu.

Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

List of Wedding Songs (All genres) / Romantic Songs

Depend on me .. this is a List of Wedding songs in all genres, hope it can help you :)

Michael Jackson - Lady in my life
Michael Jackson - Whatever happens
Mariah carey - Always be my baby
Babyface - Everytime I close my eyes
Al jarreau - After all
Kem - Love calls
Keith martin - Because of you
Keith martin - Never find someone like you
Keith martin - Love of my life
Santana - Let me love you tonight
The Roots feat Erykah badu - You got me
James blunt - You're beautiful
Crazy town - Butterfly
Babyface - I said I love you
Usher - Good kisser
Monica - Angel of mine
Utada hikaru - First love
Maher zain - Barakaallah
Tracy chapman - Fast car
Tracy chapman - Stand by me
Shaggy - Angel
Erykah badu ft stephen marley - In love with you
Eric benet - Spend my life with you
Boys 2 men - Perfect love song
The fugees - Killing me softly
Destiny's child - Brown eyes
Train - Marry me
John legend - All of me
           - When God made you
Mariah carey - Thank God I found you
Katy perry - Unconditionally
Christina perry - A thousand years
Monita - My valentine
Usher ft Alicia keys - My boo
           - A whole new world
When I fall in love
Extreme - More than words
Joss stine - Jet lag
Craig david - Unbelievable
N sync - This I promise you
Jason mraz - I wont give up
Paramore - The only exception
Once - Dealova
Glenn fredly - Disisa hati
Glenn fredly - You are my everything
Sandy sandoro - Malam biru
Sandy sandoro - Tak pernah padam
Andra & the backbone - Sempurna
Christina Aguilera - I turn to you
Agnes Monica feat Keith martin - I'll light a candle

Senin, 12 Mei 2014

God's plan within my Love's story

Look friends, have you ever feel this way,,
When you realize that you have unpredictable Love, unbelievable relationship 
with such a adorable person?
is it happened to you now?
Life is a choice, your life too
so when you facing a complicated love story, thats your choice
you could go through it or you go out then done with it
even you dont know where will that story guide you 
Life's story didnt have a sinopsis
so its depends on you 
and I
I choose to go through that story
without any experiences only believe in something
I believe that this is a God's plan
and He knows everything about this earth, cause he who created this
and even this story doesnt have a good ending or happy ending 
like what always appear in love drama,,
I still go with it, 
because I believe, 
thats a good thing that should be happened to me
God's plan is better than anything although its hard 
although I'll be so worst if it happened to me 
I'll make it simple what I mean 
If it means I have to separate with my boyfriend now
I will be really so much worst and have a very difficult times to handle my feeling
and I think you will be agree with me if you really love someone like the way I do now
but, back to the meaning of God's plan 
maybe if thats happened, thats a better thing for you
maybe if God separates you from your boyfriend/girlfriend now, God will give you another person who is better than him/her now.
Our God know us more than ourselves
thats who made me go with my love story now....

Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014

Learn Bahasa Indonesia (basic and simple)

If you come to Indonesia, you have to prepare at least lil bit or basic about Bahasa Indonesia/Indonesian language. Just a few of indonesian who can speak english so here I give you a basic about bahasa. I hope it can help you. :)

Good Morning - Selamat Pagi
Good Afternoon - Selamat Siang : 11am - 2pm
Good Evening - Selamat Sore : 3pm - 5pm
Good night - Selamat Malam : 6pm - up
Daylight - Siang hari
Noon - Tengah hari
Midnight - Tengah malam

My name is ... - Nama saya...
You can call me... (your name) - Kamu/anda dapat memanggil saya ....(your name)
I come from .... - Saya berasal dari ....
I cant speak bahasa indonesia - Saya tidak dapat berbicara bahasa indonesia
I just can speak little bahasa - Saya hanya dapat berbicara sedikit bahasa
Can you help me? - Dapatkah anda membantu saya?
Please - Tolong/Mohon
Thank you so much - Terimakasih banyak
Thank you so much for helping me - Terimakasih banyak sudah membantu saya
You are really kind - Anda sangat baik

where is ... - Dimanakah ... (place)
what time is it? - Jam/pukul berapakah ini?
what is it? - apakah ini?
what is that? - apakah itu?

Can you ... (give a command) - Bisakah anda...(give a command)

go straight up - lurus terus
turn left - belok kiri
turn right - belok kanan
return - kembali

Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

Don't bring tomorrow

Moon shine above us
we catched a star
wind blow our hair
we crafted our love up in the sky
we aint affraid it will fall down to the earth
cause tonight you are by my side
Laugh together lay down
and I hate a Sun
cause its too bright
and we cant see up in the sky anymore
I hate Daylight
cause there will no stars to catch
there will no wind that blow our hair
then, we will be nothing but dust
Dont bring tomorrow
cause I already know
I'll lose you . . .

Selasa, 29 April 2014

Love me as I am (not a clown)

You only see a smile on my face
You only want to hear me when I laugh
what about my tears?
will you take your time just to see this tears down?
or I should keep them till they dry on their own

Love is not only about a good moment
Love is Life
Life has its ups and down
and so Love

I'm not going to hide myself that I hate to put a fake smile on you just to make you happy
thats crazy
If you love me, love me as a human
I'm a human not an "Entertainment Robot"
I can mad, bad mood, do crazy thing, silence, jealous etc
I'm just a human
so please Love me as I am
not as a Clown

Jumat, 11 April 2014

Ms. Under stand

Hey baby whats up?
still got the chick on your side?
money on your purse?
people around you got a cursed?

I let you lay down on my knees
I feel your hair with a breeze
and you closed your eyes while I'm singing
just like a kid

Hey Mr. under stand
where is my grant?
I'm not your tiny penny
and I dont let you be my hubby

time after time,,
you still there naked
watch me deeped
and you still wet

you are not my husband
and I'm not Ms. Under stand

Senin, 07 April 2014

just a same story

there's a lot of book in front of me
but why do I choose that one with a grey cover
I dont know why it has catched my eyes
then I opened that book
this is not a new thing for me
I read the plot and I think I've known the ending of this story
I have read it another book with a same story and title
only the author which different
but why do I read this book eventhough I've know the story
and why do I feel courious with the ending of this story
it just a same story ..

Kamis, 03 April 2014

No Past Land

Typing the first word to you just like dejavu
and foolishly why do I did it again?
nothing's new on the same track
and you
you still naked and watch me with your James Dean glossy eyes
and I, I stare at you with my Anna Wintour smile
You just like my mirror
show me what I've done
in my past time
and now I dont stand on the same track anymore
I'm in the Future
and There's no past land 
at this moment, at this time
This will be the last word for you

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Lonely girl in a single world

you're looking in and you see the girl, she lives inside the silver world
a shining silver platter... people only see a cover
she tapped her shoes around the ice
break the rules 
she doesnt try to be perfect but she already is
she hide herself inside the golden world
she even doesnt living in her age
she is living beyond the time
what people thinking now is already her thoughts
and what people barely know is already her plan 
she's living in a future and nobody ever do it
people only living in the present or the past
she wear a black tuxedo with a stilletto
no one could ban her
she leaves before dark and comes before the sun
she put all of her problems on her shoulder and walk as a supermodel
she is crying when its rain so no one could see her tears down
people living in her life but she is alone
Lonely girl in a single world.............

Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Angel of mine

First time I saw you.. hhmm I dont think there's something on it
then, I read your profile, there I got interested by your thoughts and your viewpoint
so I sent a message on your inbox just to say that you have a good viewpoint
at that time, I got interested by yourself for the first time
then, you reply my message then we chatted after that
time after time,, we get closer and more intense
like a homework, we texted all the time
we got a huge time difference
its almost 12 hours difference .. but it wont stop us
there's no reason to give up for such a reason
our relationship is more important than a distance and time
and wait I have to tell you something
something that made me soooo happy
one day, we were in chatting in facebook
then I sent you my update with a picture about us and I tag yourself on it
you put a comment cause you love that picture
theeennn... I dont know whats on your mind when
when you listed me as your Girlfriend on Faceboook
WOW!!! thats Awesome
I thought you are affraid with a commitment, and you are not
you told me that you are looking for a future wife
oh God Thanks!!!
and after that,, you asked me to use my picture in your fb as your cover picture
Oh God what a surprise!!! that means your friend or everyone could see me in your FB
seems like you want to tell them that I'm your girlfriend
you are not hiding me to everyone in your life
thats great cause some man/ player will hide his GF
now I believe in you
I wont be affraid to be in love again
hope we could go through... untill a marriage :)
Thanks God you've sent him into my life
he has bring a joy in my day now
hope he could be my future husband
hehehee I love you!!!!!

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

My Coffee Theory

I sit facing the window when its rain, with a cup of coffee on my hand,, crossing my leg, look the rain and I'm drowning by its spots.. Tracy chapman from that music box around my ears I just sit and silence..
try to figure it out, everything was on my head they are swimming around  like fish in the aquarium.. 
I just think about what I have been done today, what I did and what I'm gonna do after this
those all materials which build my day
I'm a thinker and I should be a thinker 
but I wont be crazy because of them all, I still have a music and coffee who balanced myself
I could be strong with music in my ear and a cup of coffee in my hand
thats all!
Life is simple for me but I dont do something simple and think sloping
I'm not kind of that person
I should think deeply so I could decide something with my own
and I love that way cause my mom told me that I should be my own self so I could be responsible with what I have done just for myself
ok back to the first sentence...
what am I gonna do after this?
just watch me ..... :)

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Mr. Stranger

Dear Mr. Stranger
you come into my life suddenly,,
you wrote a message on me with a surprising words, sentences
I dont know why, I just replied you with so confused
I dont know what to do, but it comes so naturally
we chatted and we find better way to get closer
we texted all the time
then why do I feel I'm so weak, I cant even go without mobile on my hands
you are a stranger, still a stranger for me
but why do I feel we have been know each other for a lifetime
why do we have so many common things in life
why do you are so real
we are so much far away
difference time but why do I feel you are near by my side?
but one thing. honestly I'm still feel so confused
untill you say "am I your man now?"


Dear God,,
What should I do now?
why its so confusing, so messed up
what is excatly happened now?
am I wrong?
please I just want to know so I could make a plan what I am gonna do to fix it
before its going too far
to be honest, now I'll be careful with my feeling
but why you send them all into my life?
now everything feels like an audition
everybody shows their kindness
like they are flawless
so which one should I take?
are them all fake?
so where is the real one?
the honest one
its ridicolous... really and I hate being in love with so much hesitation on it......

Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

Dear God

Dear God,
Did you hear me?
I just wanna say same with my last pray to you yesterday
did you save the good one for me?
is still there's one left for me?
just one I dont want two or more
you exactly know what happened nowadays
people going too far
far away from your rules
but I bet you I'm still follow those rules although I'm not like that preacher man
but I'm still hold my deen tight
I dont think the physical really important to me
but the inner side, thats really important
nowadays they look so much handsome, cool and so on
but what they did, what they have done, something that really far away with what appears
so I just turns off
I dont need something really perfect bcause I know it wont be perfect and never
what I'm looking for is something that is still pure and will always like that
the missing puzzle
you know something which is worth for me
you know that exactly God because you are my God :)
but somehow, I just want it soon
I just want you and hope you will answer my question and this request soon
may you reply it soon God
I'll wait here, and pray to you :)

Catch a light

Flying to the empty road
spreading wings, catch a light
there's no one, no one
I try to get through the crack of the wall
but I cant, Its too narrow
the light seems going far away
its too far away
I cant see anything, in this empty road
try to keep my wings balanced
sometimes the wind try to pull me down
but I keep my strength inside of me
and I'm survive
finally the angel come to me and stopped me
she says I have to stay here
she says I cant go forward to catch a light
because I already have it
inside of me

Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

My (lovely) Guy

So many guys asked me " what do you looking for in a guy ?"
I dont think thats a big question for me because I know what I really need
so I start with...
I love a guy who said " I'm here, right by your side" than who said " I miss you "
" why are you crying? " become "I'm here ready to listen what happened"
and when I smile or laughing, he doesnt believe that I'm so happy at that time but he believe that I'm strong enough to face anything in this life..
sortly, I love a guy who do a simplest thing that people wont do that... :)

Sabtu, 08 Februari 2014

I turns into am

I myself believe
Time will never stop
We will always running
Running to catch nothing
We will never really living
We will never live a life
All we do is only Running
Running and believe in nothing
I made a decision for myself
I dont need a teacher
My life is my teacher
I learn everything in it
because my life is not like yours
we living in a different world
you wont living in my world
because God know you wont survive
you are too spoiled
My life is not easy, its hard..
Nature instrument become my soul ...
They become my lover..
Blended with the taste of a single world ..
I turns into am :) 

Kamis, 06 Februari 2014


Came in your life was just like a wind
give an fresh air then fade away
flying high and free falling down into a land
there everywhere when sun goes up and down
like a clown when tears coming down 
like a nurse when blood flow in your skin
you never know what is it means cause you always say "you are too deep to understand"
yeah I am deep as deep as water ground
and you..
you are the slope
never know what's below your feet
If our story is a colour
then, lets start with grey
black and white mixed 
grey means doubtful, yes full of doubt and confusion
that could be light colour or dark colour
we could be laugh together then change into an ice 
no one want to start make a conversation like what lovers always do
I am your unintended
I came bring a future into your life but you still busy mending broken pieces
of the life you had before
She's never as good as I am
and She will never do as good as I did
She never had the feeling I had
She never care of the blood she left in your hand years ago
but you also dont care about it
you still hold those thorns
You are my unintended

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

Skinny Love ( inspired by skinny love - bon iver with revision by myself )

Come on skinny love what happened here?
you cut all the ropes and just let me fall
why why why .. why why why.. why why why??
your story is blank, fade by the wind
and I told you to be stronger
and I told you to be faithful
and I told you to balanced
and I told you to forget
and I told you to stay
and when a morning I'll be with you
it could be the different kind
cause when I hold the tickets , you'll owning all the fines
come on skinny love what happened here?
are you play this game for me and where is truth?
why why why.. why why why.. why why why?
Love is full of fake and why it so real
who will love you?
who will fight?
who will wait for forever?
and who will fall far behind?

Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

Mr. False Pretense (again)

Hi Mr. False pretense, long time no chat
Nowadays I saw you talk too much
like you forget all the good shits you made
but it doesnt matter its, ok
I simply just say I'm sorry for bothering you lately with (over) attention I've given to you
Maybe I was over..
for the return you have give me 'sorry' and I though its not sorry but it means Goodbye
It doesnt matter its ok
but what I was regret is why dont you say before
before I got through with this drama
before you were like an angel then turns into the devil
before everything goes too much
why dont you said that,, why you said that now
but it doesnt matter its ok
now I know what is the meaning of fair in love story
the best one will got the deserves one
we just simply wait for the time :)

Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Mr.Past-Confusion :)

How about a round of applause, a standing ovation for you sir
Mr. Past-Confusion you dont have sense
and I just dont know you, since last night you made me wondering "what the hell is this drama?"..
Man that was ugly..
you were so beautiful before today ..
what we had yesterday is a moment of pleasure
and I'm blessed it was over
Sir, dont you think that 18 is too young to be played with a guy like you
when you said 'sorry', that was a fake word ever that I've ever heard
May God forgive all of your sins and also mine, because I wrote this for you :)

Senin, 13 Januari 2014

My Sunday Morning (Mr.False Pretense)

Wake in the morning and I knew that you have gone
gone away with your past right on your back
you hold some roses, that bleed your hand
but you dont care of it.. you think those roses are beautiful
your eyes wont see something in front of you you just saw whats right behind you
you live with something that doesnt belong to you
you cry but you smile..
through the storm you walk like a moonwalk
still you wont see whats right in front of you
people try to shout to you when you want to hit something
you dont care you just walk
Mr. false pretense what happened to you?
if you walk, mind your step, and see whats in front of you if you wont hit something
look at your hand its bleeding
dont you feel painful?
throw those roses.. there's a lot flower out there
you can take tulips, lily, sunflower they are beautiful
and they wont make your hand bleeding
they dont have thorns
dont hurted your future like you hurted yourself now
 I care about you cause I love you..
you wont see that and I knew
cause you still look whats right behind you
and I'm right in front of you

Life must go on :)

If there someone who hurted you, dont get upset although its normal if you get upset or angry cause we are a human.. but dont waste your time for it.. Life must go on.. just say " May God forgive all of your sins and also mine". that sounds ridicolous and innocent but just believe guys there's something out there who always keep an eye of us.. and He know what we are facing now.. all of our problems will back to Him.. we just have to trust Him.. This Life is so fast.. we are not belong here.. so make your time fill it with happiness, keep smile,, live with people who love you.. do whatever you like.. dont forget to say " Thanks God for everything" :D

Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

I will be a story (just like the wind)

I came to this world just like a story
I want everyone who knew me before, they'll have their own story about me
I wont judge that will be a good story or a worst story
Just do my best and my duty as a human
I'll remember all of people in my life
there's no wall between a good people or a bad people who came in my life
they all the same
they will live in my life forever
If you love me, please make a quality time for us
because love needs a lot time to stay together
Dont send me away if you dont like me, cause I'll leave soon, I know my place
I came just like the wind.. I cant stay, cause I'm not belong here

Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

Just Imagine, Act, and believe

Just imagine 5 years ago or 10 years ago when you were child. We always imagine everything will be alright, Life is easy. I will be a doctor, astronout, flight attendant, engineer, or anything. I will build my own castle or my own palace where nobody could destroy it, I will be a princess waiting for my prince to come and kiss me. anything seems like in a fairytale story. to be honest, I'm one of another girl that loves fairytale story so much and I always imagine my life will be like that. maybe you'll think I'm too much but yes you're right I'm too much.. so much.. but I proud to my self because it happens when I was child so I'm normal person.

When we grown up, we face the real life. and we'll think that Life is really hard, fucking hard, and etc. there's no palace, prince/princess. I'm not be an engineer, because its hard to learn math, or not be doctor bcause to learn it needs a lot of money, not be a flight attendant cause I'm too short, or astronout cause I wear a glasses and etc. but its not problem guys,,, we have to be proud always to ourself. Maybe we will not be like what we imagine before. God know whats best for us.. all we have to do is just be what we now. face everything like we are a hero, there's no fear to fight this life. the show must go on. that means life will still running and our dream, our hope also live in our life. dont throw our dreams like we are a loser because its hard to make it happen but just simply believe that everything will be perfect at the time. all we have to do is Just Imagine, act, and believe thats all..............